Drain pipe camera inspection

Other services
Posted 3 years ago

Drain pipe camera inspection

Other services
Posted 3 years ago


Finding the cause of a blocked or broken pipe can be an exceedingly frustrating endeavor. Due to the remote nature involved with inspecting problems that occur in pipelines, it is simply not always feasible to conduct a human inspection. Often with problematic drain blockages, our technicians need to see exactly what’s going on. Our certified experienced operators are there to assist in preparing structural CCTV pipeline surveys and pipe condition reporting to meet your needs. Our full CCTV inspection includes a written report, recommendations and quotations where necessary for repair work.
Nkosi IGT’s range of CCTV pipe inspection equipment is capable of accurately measuring the slope of the pipe with any diameters detecting pipework defects a collapsed section of drain, a bad fall or a break allowing debris to accumulate inside the drain. We will be able to take preventative action so that no further damage to your pipework persists.
With our CCTV inspection system we can send a remote controlled camera down almost any narrow and twisting tunnel. The images from the camera are then transmitted live back to an engineer. We can then accurately map out an entire piping system, to ensure that there are no accidents caused by having to guess where all the pipes lie. We can map out the most di- rect route to reach a problem and also find the most efficient routes for future maintenance.


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    Drain pipe camera inspection

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    Drain pipe camera inspection Drain pipe camera inspection Drain pipe camera inspection Drain pipe camera inspection Drain pipe camera inspection Drain pipe camera inspection
    Free Drain pipe camera inspection by Israel